On this day in 1863, of the American Civil War Battle of Chattanooga started. This battle lasted for three days and dramatically changed the direction of the war. The Union managed to push the Confederate soldiers out of Chattanooga and into the state of Georgia. In September of that year, Union forces were defeated in Chickamauga. After this defeat, Union forces took over the railhead center located in Chattanooga. Confederate soldiers trapped them by surrounding area, leaving little room for them to get away. The Confederate troops later attacked Chattanooga and created a blockade against the Union forces. At this point, the odds were against the Union troops who were headed by General William S. Rosecrans. He who would soon be replaced by Major General George Thomas. The troops received help from Union General Joseph hooker who brought with him 20,000 soldiers. As tensions were rising between the Union and the Confederacy, Union General Sherman arrived in Chattanooga with 17,000 more Union forces to help combat the enemy. On November 23rd, the Union troops charged Orchard Knob and took control of the area which was being controlled by Confederate soldiers prior to the time. For the next two days, Union forces would battle Confederate forces in Chattanooga. At the end of the battle, Union troops successfully drove the Confederate soldiers out of Chattanooga. The Battle of Chattanooga victory helped Union General Ulysses S. Grant remove several thousand Confederate soldiers out of Union territory. It also boosted the morale of Union forces and gave them confidence for future battles.