On this day in 1512, the Sistine Chapel opened to the public. The ceiling of the chapel was painted by Italian artist Michelangelo. The frescoes upon the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel took many years from Michelangelo to finish. By the time he completed the frescoes, he ruined his back and posture from laying down looking up at the ceiling as he was painting. Historians claim that Michelangelo did not want to be involved in the project but later became it passionately obsessed with it. Of the frescoes compiled on the ceiling, there are nine sections that represent Biblical history. The section's represent a linear timeline that the leads to the Last Judgment of the Bible. Several other painters also contributed to the paintings that decorate the Sistine Chapel including the famous painter Raphael.Michelangelo was born on March 6th 1476 in a small town named Caprese near Tuscany, Italy. The famous painter died in the year 1564 at 88 years old. He is considered one of the best painters in and Renaissance history. His artwork included sculptures, paintings and architecture . He apprenticed under the artist Lorenzo de' Medici who ruled the Florentine republic. The Sistine Chapel ceiling frescoes are one of his greatest accomplishments and most famous works of art . Other famous works by him include the sculpture of David in 1504 and the Pieta in 1498. On this day in 1512, the public was allowed to view the ceiling for the first time in history. Many people would understand a great effort Michelangelo put into his work of art.