He made this decision out of impeachment threats and angry public opinion. The ironic part of this story is that Nixon was estimated to win by a landslide in the upcoming election. Nixon's vice president Gerald Ford replaced him, making Ford's quick decision to pardon his predecessor even more controversial. From a famous line from Gerald Ford's speech addressing the nation about Nixon's resignation, he states that "our long national nightmare is over". This event is historically significant because of the scandals and controversy behind the series of events that led to Richard Nixon's resignation and Ford's pardon of hum. It also made the nation question the powers of U.S. government and in particular the power of the executive branch. Nixon also formed a negative image of the Republican party for many after Watergate. Popular films about the Watergate scandal include "All the President's Men" and "Dick".
"Ford pardons Nixon." 2008. The History Channel website. 13 Sep 2008, 06:55 http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history.do?action=Article&id=5328.