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dy·nam·ic (d-nmk) Characterized by continuous change, activity, or progress/his·to·ry (hst-r) A chronological record of events, as of the life or development of a people or institution

On This Day: September 21st - Benedict Arnold Becomes a Traitor

You've might have seen something called a "Benedict Arnold" on a breakfast menu or heard someone call a person a "Benedict Arnold" but what exactly does that mean? Who the heck is this Benedict Arnold guy? Well on this day in 1780 while the American Revolution was raging on, an American General by the name of Benedict Arnold struck a deal with a British Major by the name of John Andre. Benedict Arnold agreed to give the British Army the fort he was in command of at West Point up in war in exchange for a large amount money. On this day, Benedict Arnold managed to become one of the worst traitors in American history.

Unfortunately for Mr. Arnold, his plan eventually surfaced and he was discovered to be a great traitor. You would think such act would mean that Arnold had ties to the British but not really. He was born and raised in Norwich, Connecticut. He fought for the thirteen colonies of America in both the French and Indian war. During the Revolutionary between the thirteen colonies and Great Britain, he joined the Continental Army for America. He was considered a war hero and great patriot by many. So why would did he turn his back on America? Because he couldn't resist the money apparently. He eventually moved to London where he spent the rest of his life. Why do you think this event is historically important to America and the patriotism of America? How did this shape the American view of being a traitor?

"Benedict Arnold commits treason." 2008. The History Channel website. 15 Sep 2008, 04:11