In 1896, McKinley beat Democrat William Jennings Bryan in a landslide victory. He became the 25th president of the United States. For his support of big business and tariffs, Mckinley also became very unpopular among many individuals and groups. One of these men named Leon Frank Czolgosz. Czolgosz had the view that many wealthy people became wealthy by exploiting the poor people in society and the their was injustice in America. He took his this frustration out on the person whom he thought propelled this ideology, McKinley. He would eventually assassinate McKinley which would result in his death. McKinley was the third president to be assassinated since Abraham Lincoln in 1865 and James Garfield in 1881. Why do you think this event is historically relevant?
"McKinley dies of infection from gunshot wounds." 2008. The History Channel website. 15 Sep 2008, 04:10 http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history.do?action=Article&id=52855.